Combo Kits

Rs. 3,600.00
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Description- Low libido in men could be a result of varied factors like low androgenic hormone levels, scale-back blood flow, and different emotional problems like stress, depression, Anxiety, etc. Once men expertise a loss...
Rs. 2,240.00
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Description- Memory is the process of processing every piece of information available and storing it for short-term or long-term use. This helps us remember things from the past and use it for future reference. In simple words,...
Rs. 6,230.00
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Description- Lichen planus is a chronic recurrent rash due to inflammation and is characterized by small, flat-topped, many-sided (polygonal) bumps that grow together into rough, scaly plaques over the skin. Rashes may also b...
Rs. 3,000.00
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Description- Leucorrhea is called Shvetapradara in Ayurveda. Shveta means white and Pradar means Discharge. It is due to the imbalance of vaginal microflora which results in the infection. In Ayurveda, there are three main en...
Rs. 3,640.00
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Description-  Leucoderma is caused due to the aggravation of Pitta Dosha. Pitta is an Ayurvedic humor that symbolizes heat or fire and is manifested in the skin. Aggravated Pitta leads to the accumulation of ama (toxins) in d...
Rs. 4,000.00
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scription- Keloids continue to grow for numerous months and cause substantial discomfort due to pain and severe itching. Ayurveda describes keloids as Arbuda of the part affected. Arbuda is Mansa dhatupradoshak vhyadhi. Why ...
Rs. 2,870.00
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Description- Irregular periods or irregular cycle is abnormal variation in the length of the menstrual cycle. The menstrual cycle is an index of the wellness of the female health. When a period disturbs, it clearly means that ...
Rs. 5,000.00
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Description IBS is described as a functional disorder of the small intestine, characterized by pain, discomfort and altered bowel habits. Irritable bowel syndrome is a relatively common digestive system disorder whose exact cau...
Rs. 6,000.00
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Description- Herpes zoster is a viral skin infection though uncommon in childhood can be caused by the reactivation of the varicella zoster virus due to lower immunity. This clinical entity can be compared with Visarpa (~vesi...
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